about me

Change Maker

I started my career as a marketing professional in a radio station, then spent more than 20 years as management consultants advising clients on strategy and operations enhancement.

For almost 25 years, I had worked with different organizations – government bodies, non-profits, and private and listed companies – to embark on changes. From crafting new strategies to re-engineering processes, from operations enhancement to training and educating staff, I have been engaged in projects at different levels for one simple goal – making change work.

My career as a management consultant offers me much rewards – appreciations from clients, transformed corporate culture, improvement in corporate performance, strengthened management team, and the training outcomes and feedback from staff.

Every successful change project needs a leverage point. The better the leverage point, the more effective will be the result.

In all my work with different people and organizations, my objective remains the same: to facilitate integrative changes at different levels.

Along the way, I’m enjoying a journey that offers me lots of inspirations and reflections.

Ideas & Perspectives

Many people need a push to move up and break through their current constraints.

People live with constrained thinking, develop myopic vision to their lives, lack the ability to look beyond short-term options, and overlook their own potentials.

Many smart people cannot make sensible decisions not because they cannot analyse, but because they are hindered by constrained thinking – seeing only the tip of the iceberg, fighting the syndrome instead of the causes, or focusing only on too narrow an issue.

Poor thinking, of course, yields poor decisions.

I am also living with my own constraints. As Einstein once said, “The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.” We have to strengthen and enhance our thinking-ability to deal with the increasingly complex world.

Personally, I am developing my ability to manage complexity so that I can see the forest for the trees. I immerse myself in the sea of Systems Thinking, System Dynamics, Cultural Transformation, Fuzzy Logic, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) and other disciplines to charge up my mind.

Of course, I also want to help others break through their limitations as well.


This is my idea space. I write posts on whatever comes to my mind – news, trends, daily encounters, management issues, etc. As a man who likes to think, this blog is also my notes on my experiments in different ways of thinking and seeing things.

My Books

A few years ago I have co-authored two books. They are 《變革現生機-耆康會給企業管理的啟示(Change for Renewal – Management Insights from the change journey of The Hong Kong Society for the Aged)》by Ming Pao Publishing and 《流程改善自學教材套(Process Improvement Self-Study Guidebook)》(with case VCD) by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service.

When the time comes, maybe I will come up with more publications!

Sharing and Interacting

The success of this blog depends on the feedback and ideas of you the readers. I hope we can interact more and enlighten each other.

Leave me your comments and ideas, or contact me via the contact form here.